Hi, I am Susan.

Lecturer & Nutrition Consultant

Extensive expertise in nutritional science education and administration, with a focus on coordinating diverse activities within a university setting.

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About Me


As a dedicated female lecturer, I bring a wealth of experience and passion to the realm of academia, particularly within the field of nutrition and dietetics. With a commitment to improving academic excellence and empowering the next generation of professionals, I have served as the Head of the Nutrition and Dietetics department at Kisii University since January 2021.

10+ Years'
03 Research Grants &
04 Papers


Academic and Professional Career

Home Science and Education

Moi University, Kenya
1997 - 2001

Community Nutrition

Maseno University, Kenya
2009- 2011

Public Health Nutrition

North West University, South Africa in Collaboration with Kenyatta University
2016 - 2021

Volunteer Nutritionist

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Refererral Hospital, Kisumu-Kenya
2003 - 2004

Nutrition Officer

National Aids and STIs Control Program(NASCOP), Nyamira District Hospital-Kenya
2006 - 2009

Nutrition Consultant

Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA), Hargeisa, Somalia
2011 - 2012


Kisii National Polytechnic, Kisii, Kenya

Committee member

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Nairobi, Kenya

Part time Nutrition Consultant

Amazing Consultants Ltd- South Sudan


Nutrition and Dietetics department, School of Health Sciences, Kisii University, Kisii, Kenya

Head of Nutrition and Dietetics department

School of Health Sciences, Kisii University, Kisii, Kenya,

Training and Professional Development

Courses and Workshops
  • 14th-16th February 2024 DIES-NMT Kenya 2023 Training Course Heron Portico Hotel, Nairobi The Role of Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and Virtual Exchanges in promoting Internationalization at Home in Higher Academic Education Institutions in Kenya
  • 01/12/2022-09/12/2022 Championing Evidence Based Advocacy (CEBA) for PHC/RMNCAH-N training Kisumu, Kenya
  • 01/09/2016-12/12/2021 OWSD PhD Fellow in Public Health Nutrition Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya, and North West University, Center of Excellence for Nutrition, Potchefstroom, South Africa Organization for Women in Science in Developing Countries
  • 01/06/2020-30/07/2020 Writing skills module, INASP & AUTHORAID, An International Development Organization in the UK
  • 05/03/2019-19/03/2019 Africa Nutrition Leadership Program North West University, Center of Excellence for Nutrition, Potchefstroom, South Africa
  • 01/02/2017-01/05/2017 Advanced Nutrition North West University, Center of Excellence for Nutrition, Potchefstroom, South Africa
  • 01/02/2017-01/05/2017 Nutrition Epidemiology North West University, Center of Excellence for Nutrition, Potchefstroom, South Africa
  • 28-29th September 2016 FAO Food Sampling Training for Trainers Nakuru
  • April 2016 FAO/INFOODS Training and E-Learning Course on Food Composition
  • 29th June - 3rd July 2015 Education for Effective Nutrition in Action (ENACT) Training of Trainers Workshop Safari Park Hotel Nairobi, Kenya (FAO training)

Recent International Conferences Attended and Presented

Professional Presentations
  • September 10-13, 2018

    Bioavailability conference in Norwich, UK - "Effect of germination and fermentation of cereal-based porridges typically consumed by Kenyan children on the bio-accessibility of iron and zinc from added micronutrient powder"

  • August 8-10, 2018

    International Vitamin Conference in Sydney, Australia - "Multiple vitamin inadequacy of complementary foods for children 6-23 months in Kenya"

  • June 9-12, 2018

    American Society for Nutrition Congress in Boston, Massachusetts, USA - "Prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight in children aged 6-23 months in Homabay County, Kenya"

  • 22nd - 24th August 2017

    The 1st International conference of the TWAS Young Affiliates Network in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (invited to attend and present my award winning case study) - "Health education on latrine use, water and hygiene to reduce malnutrition among children, in Homabay County, Kenya"

Research Grants and Awards

Achievements and Recognitions
May 2017

Won an award for the best case study in a sustainability competition held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in August 2017. Theme of concept: Health education on water, sanitation and hygiene to reduce malnutrition among children aged 6-23 months in Kenya – Randomised Control Trial

January 2016

Awarded the OWSD Fellowship (Organisation for Women Scientists in Developing countries) for my PhD project, and also partly funded by the National Research Fund of Kenya.

April 2011

Published a technical report for ADRA Somalia which won a grant that led to the extension of the Nutrition program for one year.

Do you have any questions?

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Prof. Judith Kimiywe, PhD, CNS

Kenyatta University

I have known Susan for several years and can attest to her dedication and expertise in the field of nutrition and dietetics. Her commitment to academic excellence and passion for empowering the next generation of professionals is commendable. I highly recommend her for her leadership role at Kisii University

Ms. Everlyn Matiri

Systems Strengthening and Institutionalization Lead

Susan is a remarkable individual whose dedication to her work is evident in her contributions to the field of nutrition and dietetics

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+254 775 702 772


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